The GAIN-I is a comprehensive bio-psychosocial assessment designed to support clinical diagnosis, placement, treatment planning, performance monitoring, program planning and economic analysis. It is designed to be used primarily in clinical settings.
- Background
- Substance use
- Physical health
- Risk behaviors and disease prevention
- Mental and emotional health
- Environment and living situation
- Legal
- Vocational
- Addresses recency, breadth, and prevalence
- Individual Clinical Profile (ICP)
- Recommendation and Referral Summary (GRRS)
- Personalized Feedback Report (PFR)
- Validity Report (VR)
Versions: GAIN-I Full, GAIN-I Core, GAIN-I Lite
The GAIN-Q is a brief screener used to identify and address a wide range of problems in clinical and general populations. It is designed for use by personnel in diverse settings (i.e. student assistance programs, health clinics, juvenile justice, clinical setting).
- Problems and service utilization
- Substance use
- Withdrawal Management (Q4 only)
- Mental health (internalizing and externalizing problems)
- Crime and violence
- Stress
- Physical health
- Risk Behaviors for Infectious Diseases
- School and work
- Quality of life
- Individual Clinical Profile (ICP Q3 only)
- Recommendation and Referral Summary (RRS)
- Personalized Feedback Report (PFR)
- Validity Report (VR)
Versions: GAIN-Q3 Lite, GAIN-Q3 Standard,
GAIN-Q3 MI (Motivational Interviewing), GAIN-Q4 Standard, GAIN-Q4 MI (Motivational Interviewing)
The GAIN-SS is a screener to be used in general populations to quickly and accurately identify clients who would be flagged as having one or more behavioral health disorders on the GAIN-I.
- Internalizing disorders
- Externalizing disorders
- Substance disorders
- Crime and violence
- GAIN-SS Full Report
- GAIN-SS Summary Report
- Aggregate Report